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Works of art / Volume 7

Volume 7



Pastime in Ancient Egypt

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (painting), Sharpe, C. W. (engraving)

Print, color, 1890 approx., 14.5 x 21.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Almehs ou public dancers (Almées ou danseuses publiques)

André Dutertre (France, 1753-1842)

Watercolor, 1800 approx.



Egyptian dancing girl     (Danseuse égyptienne)

François Martin-Kavel (France, 1861-1931)

Painting, 1900 approx.



Dancer entertaining voyagers in torchlight at Assiut (Ghawazi divertissant des voyageurs à la lueur des torches à Asiut)

Print, 1850 approx.



Egyptian musicians (Musiciens égyptiens)

Eugène Pavy (France)

Painting, oil, 1850 approx. Private collection.



Gypsies of Sa'id, Egypt (Tziganes du Sa'id, Egypte)

C.-R. Huber

Print, 1870 approx.



Two of the maidens sprang to their feet and, taking hands, began to dance...

Print, woodcut, 1893, 16.5 x 24 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. "It was a dance of posture and attitude - slow, graceful, quiet: the girl who played the mandolin touched it gently, as if the dance were a song and as if she were playing an accompaniment". A scene in Egypt from The Illustrated London News, 102. London, 21/01/1893, p. 75.



Almée, dancer in Cairo (Almée, danseuse au Caire)

Print, lithograph, color, 1810 approx., 22 x 13 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Guenieh - A festival offered to the tourists by Mr Bichara, vice-consul of France. Sabre dance (Guenieh - Fête donnée aux touristes, par M. Bichara, vice-consul français. La danse du sabre)

Alfred Darjou (drawing)

Print, wood, 1869, 8 x 14 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



The Oriental dance (La danse orientale)

Print, woodcut, 1894,   20.5 x 16 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.




Émile Prisse d'Avennes (France, 1807-1879)

Print, lithograph, color, 1848. London, Victoria and AlbertMuseum.



The dance of the plate

Achille Boschi (Italy, 1852-1930)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1870 approx.



Upper Egypt - Oriental dancers on the coast of Syout (Haute-Egypte - Danse des almées sur le rivage de Syout)

Alfred Darjou (drawing)

Print, wood, 1869, 12 x 22.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dance of the water jug (La danse de la gargoulette)

Alfred-Henri Darjou (France, 1832-1874)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1870 approx., 52 x 76 cm. Private collection.



Dancers at an Arab wedding (   Tänzer bei einer arabischen Hochzeit)

Print, 1896, 9 x 13 cm. In Durra, near Cairo, Egypt. Published in ÜberLand und Meer, 77/01. Stuttgart, 10/1896, p. 17.



Suez Isthmus. A dance by almehs returning from the threshold of El Guisr in Timsah (Isthme de Suez. Danse des almées au retour du seuil d'El Guisr à Timsah)

Print, woodcut, 1863, 8 x 15 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in L'Illustration. Paris, 1863, p. 101.



A professional dancer (Danseuse - Almée)

F. Alexandre Bida (France, 1813–1895)

Print, woodcut, 1852, 16.5 x 9 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Harem scene (Scène de harem)


Painting, 1889, 110 x 149 cm



The dance of the Almeh (La danse de l'almée)

Jean-Léon Gérôme (France, 1824-1904)

Painting, oil on panel, 1863, 50 x 81.3 cm.



The admirers of the Almeh - Ghaziya de Sa'id

Léopold Carl Müller (Austria, 1834-1892)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1882, 76.2 x 127 cm



Ouled-Nail dancer (Danseuse Ouled-Nail)

Statuette, bronze, 1930 approx. Private collection



Dance of Egyptian professional dancers (Tanz ägyptischer Gawassi)

Print, woodcut, 1859, 15 x 24 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Egyptian dancer (Danseuse égyptienne)

F. Alexandre Bida (France, 1813-1895)

Watercolor, 1860 approx.



Universal Exhibition. Dance of Aοouché the Almeh at Egyptian Café on Cairo Street (Exposition Universelle. La danse de l'almée Aοouché au Café Egyptien de la Rue du Caire)

Adrien Marie (drawing)

Print, 1889, 31 x 21.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Types and costumes of Upper Egypt - Almehs (Types et costumes de la Haute-Egypte - Almées)

Print, wood, 1863, 13 x 21 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Beduin dance in the Western desert (Danse bédouine dans le Désert occidental)

Giovanni Belzoni (drawing)

Print, color, 1819 approx.



Dancer in Cairo (Tänzerin in Kairo)

Frederick Bridgman (painting); Weber (engraving)

Print, woodcut, 1902,   27.8 x 23.1 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dance of the bee

Print, woodcut, 1847,   9.7 x 17 cm.



Egyptian dancer

Cesare Fantacchiotti (Italy, 1844-1922)

Sculpture, bronze, rich light and dark brown patination, 1885 approx., 97 cm height



Desert dance (Danse du désert)

Otto Pilny (Switzerland, 1866-1936)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890 approx., 111 x 160 cm. Private collection.






Oriental album characters costumes and St John btv1b73004801 a



Oriental album characters costumes and St John btv1b73004801 b


Prisse de Avennes
Print, lithograph, color
U.K., London, Victoria and Albert Museum









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