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Works of art / Volume 14

Volume 14




Dancing girls in the harem

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1897 approx., 89 x 139 cm



In the courtyard of the harem

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1898 approx., 59 x 77.5 cm



Musicians entertaining an encampment of nomads

Stefano Ussi (Italy, 1822-1901)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1875 approx., 45.5 x 83 cm



The dance of the seven veils

P. Collini

Painting, oil on canvas, laid down on board, 1895 approx., 73 x 99 cm



The tambourine dancer

Filippo Indoni (Italy, 1842-1908)

Watercolor, 1875 approx., 75 x 53 cm



An Arabian dancer

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Watercolor, 1890 approx., 43.2 x 28.5 cm



Arab dancing girls

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1895 approx., 70.5 x 40.4 cm



The dance

R. Terpanti

Watercolor, 1875 approx., 74 x 53 cm



An Arab dancer with a tambourine

F. Mazzoni

Painting, oil on canvas, 1885 approx., 100.5 x 66 cm



The snake dance

Antonio Rivas (Spain, 1845-1911)

Painting, 1890, 89 x 130 cm.



An Arab dancer

Giovanni Costa (Italy, 1826-1903)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1880     approx., 149 x 74 cm



The dance (La danse)

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910 approx., 70 x 47 cm



The dancing fakir (Le fakir dansant)

Stefano Ussi (Italy, 1822-1901)

Painting, oil on wood, 1875 approx.,     23 x 35 cm.



Oriental dancing girls

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1895 approx., 97.5 x 133.5 cm



An idle evening at the seraglio (Une soirée oisive au sérail)

Giacomo Mantegazza (Italy, 1853-1920)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1876, 97 x 149 cm. Private collection. Signed and dated "Milano 1876"



Rose dancer

Alberto Saccardi (Italy, 1883-1956)

Sculpture, alabaster, 1880 approx., 82.5 cm height



Costume design for the ballet "Sylvia or The nymph of Diana": Oriental slaves (Bozzetto dei costumi da schiave d'Oriente per il balletto Sylvia ou la Nymphe de Diane)

Drawing, color, 1876 approx.



P. Collini

Painting on isorel, 1990 approx., 73 x 99 cm. Painter of the Italian school.



Funerary ceremonies in the province of Tangut

Manuscript illumination, miniature, color, 1350 approx. Tangut refers to a region in China.



Dance of the members of the "Assasins" sect in the garden of the Old Man of the Mountain

Manuscript illumination, miniature, color, 1350 approx. Illustration for The book of womders by Marco Polo.



The dancing odalisque

Giacomo Mantegazza (Italy, 1853-1920)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1900 approx., 70 x 40 cm. Signed and inscribed Milano.



Dancers at sultan's court (Danseuses à la cour du sultan)

Print, woodcut, 1870,   9 x 8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Illustration for the article "Types et costumes de Java".



Dancers at the sultan's court (Tänzerinnen am Hofe des Sultans)

Print, 1870, 9 x 8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. From "Typen und Spiele auf Java" (Types and plays in Java)



Tatooed dancers (Danseuses tatouées)

Luigi Mayer (Italy, 1755-1803)

Print, aquatint, 1801.



The Arabs at the Hippodrome (Les Arabes à l'Hippodrome)

Print, wood, 1887, 21.9 x 31.9 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. An Arab performer's troupe from the French colonies of North Africa camped at the Hippodrome of Paris. From an article in L'Illustration, 2312. Paris, 18/06/1887, p. 437.



A dance at Benisouef (Une danse à Benisouef)

Godefroy Engelmann (Germany, 1788-1839)

Print, lithograph, 1820 approx. Benisouef is a region and a city in the south of Cairo, Egypt.



Interior with Orientals (Intérieur avec Orientaux)

Antoine de Favray(France, 1706-1798)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1749, 70 x 90 cm.



Moroccan dance couple (Marokkanisches Tanzpaar)

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (Germany, 1880-1938)

Drawing, colored chalks, 1910, 19.8 x 16 cm.



Marcel Busson (France, 1913-)

Three Guedra dancers at Ouarzazat, Morocco (Trois danseuses de Guedra à Ouarzazat, Maroc)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1950 approx., 100 x 50 cm.



Market day in Morocco (Un jour de marché au Maroc)

Print, wood, 1898, 25.8 x 38.8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Illustration for the article "Un jour de marché au Maroc" by J. Bernard d'Attanoux. Journal des Voyages, 105. Paris, 04/12/1898.





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