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Works of art / Volume 12

 Volume 12



Gertrud Leistikow - Harem guards (Gertrud Leistikow - Haremswächter)

Dora Brandenburg-Polster (Germany, 1884-1958)


Drawing, 1914 approx.



The artists' carnival in the Münchener Kindl Keller at Munich

P. Hey (drawing)


Print, 1893, 30.6 x 20.9 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. In front of the Sphinx and the EgyptianTemple, some ghosts are playing the accompaniment to the performance of an Oriental dance.




Ferdinand Freiherr von Řezníček (Austria, 1868-1909)


Print, lithograph, colour, 1906, 38 x 27 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Night feast at Ghardaïa (Fête de nuit à Ghardaïa)

Isidorius van Mens (Netherlands, 1890-1985)


Painting, oil on canvas, 1933, 88 x (69+148+69) cm. Triptych signed, situated and dated 1933 at lower right of the central part. Ghardaïa is a city in Eastern Algeria.



Oriental (Anatolitiko)

Thanassis Spyropoulos (Greece)


Painting, 1968 approx. Inspired by "Zaira", a song by Vassilis Tsitsanis.



1001 nights dinner

P. Val


Drawing, color, 1990 approx., 23 x 18 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Cover of menu for a dinner on board Epirotiki Lines cruise ships.



Female dancer (Tänzerin)

Umbertos Argyros (Greece, 1884-1963)


Painting, 1930 approx. Postcard.



Oriental dancer

Thanassis Spyropoulos (Greece)


Painting, 1968 approx.



Peasants' dance (Danse des paysans)

Luigi Mayer (Italy, 1755-1803)


Watercolor, gouache, 1790 approx., 39 x 55 cm



Illustration for the poem "Gypsy" by Costas Varnalis

Elli Solomonidi-Balanou (Greece)


Drawing, pen and black ink, 1999, 21 x 29.5 cm. Athens, archive of the artist.



Illustration for the poem "Salome's dance" by G. Stavropoulos

Elli Solomonidi-Balanou (Greece)


Drawing, pen and black ink, 1999, 21 x 29.5 cm. Athens, archive of the artist.



Dora Stratou Theater: Performances of Greek and Oriental dances on the occasion of the Dance Research Congress   

Elli Solomonidi-Balanou (Greece)


Drawing, pen, 1995 approx. Athens, archive of the artist.



The Erechtheion becomes a serail (L'Erechthéion devient un sérail)

Print, 1953.




Dimitrios Biskinis (Greece, 1891-1947)


Painting, oil on canvas, 1930 approx., 62 x 45 cm.



Male dancers (Danseurs)

Print, lithograph, color, 1828.



Villagers dancing on Easter Sunday outside Constantinople

Adolphe Yvon (France, 1817-1893)


Painting, oil on wood, 1860 approx., 32 x 14 cm



Dancer at the cafés

Thackeray (drawing)


Print, lithograph, color, 1838, 13.5 x 8 cm



Dancer of Smyrna (Danseuse de Smyrne)

Jean-Étienne Liotard (Switzerland, 1702-1789)


Drawing, black stone and sanguine, contre-épreuve, 1740 approx., 22 x 11 cm



Anita as oriental dancer (Anita en Almée)

Kees van Dongen (Netherlands, 1877-1968)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1908, 195 x 114 cm. Private collection. Auctionned at Sotheby's New York on 09/11/1995. Estimated at 2 million dollars.




Miss Geneviève Vix in the role of Salome (Mlle Geneviève Vix dans le rôle de Salomé)

Kees van Dongen (Netherlands, 1877-1968)


Painting, oil on canvas, 1920, 255 x 124 cm. Private collection.



Salome dancing before King Herod (Salomé danse devant le roi Hérode)

Gyula Tornai (Hungary, 1861-1928)


Painting, oil on canvas, 1895 approx., 68 x 130 cm



The bayadère, Indian dancing girl

Nathaniel Sichel (Germany, 1843-1907) (painting)


Print, woodcut, 1889, 28.8 x 21.8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in Illustrirte Zeitung, 2619. Leipzig, 29/06/1889, cover.



Miss Lenore Snyder as Hollee-Beebee

Print, 1891, 16 x 7.4 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. "The nautch girl, or The Rajah of Chutneypore", a comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan at the Savoy Theatre. From The Illustrated London News, 099/2724. London, 04/07/1891, p. 4.



The dancers (Les bayadères)

M. Rhéal (drawing); Regnier (engraving)


Print, lithograph, monochrome, 1830     approx. 14 x 10.3 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



The dancing girl's worship

Nandalal Bose(India, 1882-1966)


Painting, 1960  approx.



Indian Kathak artists at the wedding of Bagi Mohammed Khan (Artistes indiennes Kathak au mariage de Bagi Mohammed Khan)

Banwali & Lal (India)


Watercolor, 1500 approx.



Women of the Orient - India (Femmes d'Orient - Indes)

Print, wood, 1869, 8 x 10 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published at Le Monde Illustré, 0612. Paris, 02/01/1869, p. 8.



Dervishes dancing

Manuscript illumination, miniature, color, 1610 approx., 9.3 x 5.8 cm. Mogol school. From the manuscipt book "Diwan" of Hafiz, written during the first years of the reign of Djahangir.



Nautch dancing in front of a prince (Bayadère dansant devant un prince)

Mathieu Barathier (France, 1784-1867)


Painting, pastel on paper stuck on canvas, 1849 approx., 63 x 48 cm



Dancing nautch (Tanzende Bajadere)

Rudolf Schweinitz (Germany,1839-1896) (sculpture)


Print, 1886, 21.2 x 12.8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



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Wednesday the 12th.