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Works of art / Volume 4


 Volume 4



Dance in the desert

Otto Pilny (Switzerland, 1866-1936)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1916, 110 x 160 cm.     Private collection.



The dance (La danse)

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1900     approx., 46 x 65 cm



Ahouach, or the fusion dance (Ahouach ou la danse fusionnelle)

Tayeb Lahlou (Morocco, 1919-1972)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1964, 64 x 80 cm



A nautch girl dancing before the Amir of Afghanistan

W. Hatherell (drawing), J. A. Cray (sketch)

Print, 1893, 30.5 x 21.8 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. From sketches by J. A. Cray, surgeon to H. H. Abdurahman Khan.



Dancer with green petticoat (Danseuse au pagne vert)

Yvonne Thivet (France, 1888-1972)

Gouache, 1950 approx., 71 x 59 cm



An Ouled-Naïl dancer (Une Ouled-Naïl)

Print, woodcut, 1892,   10.2 x 6.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dance of the Ouled-Naοl dancers (Danse des Ouled-Naοls)

Print, woodcut, 1892,   14 x 10.2 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dancing Nubian girl

Sculpture, bronze, gold-painted, green marble base, 1900 approx., 36 cm height



The dance of the bairham

Pavle "Paja" Jovanović (Serbia, 1859-1957)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890, 97.5 x 148 cm



Albanians dancing (Albanais dansants)

Pavle "Paja" Jovanović (Serbia, 1859-1957) (painting)

Print, lithograph, color, 1920     approx.



Universal Exhibition - The Turcos soldiers of the observation post imitate the female

Oriental dancers (Exposition Universelle - Le turcos du poste de surveillance imitent la danse des almées)

Print, wood, 1884, 11 x 16 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. A scene from the Universal Exhibition in Paris, 1867.

The Turcos were French troops recruited in the North African colonies.



Evening of Chourbah (Soirée de la chourbah)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Print, lithograph, 1904 approx., 27 x 41.5 cm



A reception in Algeria (Une réception en Algérie)

Félix de Vuillefroy-Cassini (France, 1841-1918)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890     approx., 65 x 81 cm



Ouled Nail women at their doorstep (Femmes Ouled Naïl devant leur porte)

Georges Clairin (France, 1843-1919)

Pastel on paper, 1880 approx., 30.6 x 38.9 cm. France, private collection.



The Ouled-Naïl dancers (Les danseuses Ouled-Naïl)

William Adolphe Lambrecht (France, 1876-1940)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1930     approx., 33 x 26 cm



Khadra, Ouled-Naïl dancer (Khadra, danseuse Ouled-Naïl)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Print, 1926


The Ouled Nail dancers (Les danseuses Ouled Naïl)

Yvonne Kleiss-Herzig (France, 1895-1968)

Painting, 1930 approx.


The dance (La danse)

André Suréda (France, 1872-1930)

Painting, mixed technique, 1910 approx., 42.5 x 59.5 cm



Dance of the nomads (Danse chez les nomades)

Louis Antoni (France, 1872-1940)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1921, 110 x 140 cm. France, private collection.



Two Ouled Naïl dancers (Deux danseuses Ouled Naïl)

William Adolphe Lambrecht (1876-1940)

Painting, oil on panel, 1930 approx., 35 x 26.5 cm



Portrait of a dancer (Portrait d'une danseuse)

Eugène Deshayes (Algeria, 1892-1939)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1930     approx. France, private collection.


The beautiful Ouled Nail (La belle Ouled Naïl)

Jules van Biesbroeck (Belgium, 1873-1965)

Painting, oil on panel, 1910 approx., 48 x 33.5 cm. France, private collection.



Negro festival at Bridah

Freferick Arthur Bridgman (U.S.A., 1847-1928)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1886 approx., 120 x 163 cm. Private collection.


Dancers at rest (Danseurs au repos)

Jean Launois (France, 1898-1942)

Painting, drawing, gouache on paper, 1920 approx.,      64.5 x 49.2 cm


Camp dance (Danse au campement)

Jules van Biesbroeck (Belgium, 1873-1965)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910 approx., 80 x 110 cm. Christian Meissirel Collection.



Arab dance (Danse arabe)

Georges Sauveur Maury (France, 1872-1930?)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1900 approx., 54 x 73 cm


Dancer in red (Danseuse en rouge)

Alfred Dabat (Algeria, 1869-1935)

Painting, 1900  approx.



Dance evening on the terraces (Soirée de danse sur les terrasses)

Chrarles Dufresne (France, 1876-1938)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1913, 92 x 73 cm. France, private collection.



The dancer (La danseuse)

Marguerite Tedeschi (France, 1879-1970)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910, 100 x 81 cm. France, private collection.



Arab dance (Danse arabe)

Oscar Spielmann (Czechoslovakia, 1901-1973)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1940 approx., 86 x 65 cm



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