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Works of art / Volume 1



Volume 1






Women on a terrace (Femmes sur une terrasse)

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1888, 100 x 145 cm



The dancer (La danseuse)

Giulio Rosati (Italy, 1858-1917)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890     approx., 50.2 x 81.3 cm, Private collection.



Oriental dancer

Print, lithograph, 1890 approx.,



The dance of the bee in the harem (Il ballo dell'ape nell' harem)

Vincenzo Marinelli (Italy, 1820-1892)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1862, 188 x 270 cm.



Oriental dance (Danza orientale)

Gaetano Previati (Italy, 1852-1920)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1887, 26 x 51 cm. Private collection.



Outside the palace (A l'extérieur du palais)

Gustavo Simoni (Italy, 1846-1926)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1903, 119 x 80 cm. Representing the entrance of the mosque of Sidi Boumedine at El-Eubbad near Tlemcen, Algeria.



Entertainment in the harem (Divertissement au harem)

Print, aquatint,  1750 approx. Private collection.



 The faithfull's dream (Le rève du croyant)

Achille Zo (France, 1826-1901)

Painting, 1900 approx.,



Two Oriental dancers

Friedrich Perlberg (Germany, 1848-1921)

Print, lithograph, color, 1890 approx. Postcard.




Nathaniel Sichel (Germany, 1843-1907)

Painting, 1892.




Painting, daguerreotype colored, 1839 approx., Private collection.



The harem dancer

Drawing, pencil and grey wash on paper, 1900 approx., 23.5 x 15.3 cm.



The beautiful Fatima (La belle Fatima)

Kees van Dongen (Netherlands, 1877-1968)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1906, 65.5 x 56 cm.



Dancers (Danseuses)

Fabio Fabbi (Italy, 1861-1946)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910     approx., 71 x 45 cm.



Snake dancer

Print, color lithograph, 1900 approx. Postcard.



Female musicians in the woods (Musiciennes dans les bois)

Frédéric Borgella (France, 1833-1901)

Painting, oil on wood,   1860 approx.,  36 x 40 cm.



Customs of Asia. Dance of the Ram-genve dancers (Costumi dell'Asia. Danza delle Ram-genve o sieno ballerine)

Print, lithograph, color, 1890, 15.6 x 24.6 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



José Echena (Spain, 1844-1912)

On the terrace (Sur la terrasse)

Painting, 1880  approx. Private collection.



Children dancing the shawl dance (Enfants dansant la danse de l'echarpe)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Painting, oil, 1911. Private collection.



Court dancer (Bayadère)

Kamil Vladislav Muttich (Czechoslovakia, 1873-1924)

Painting, 1916 approx. Postcard.



Dancer of the hours' waltz (Danzatrice del valzer delle ore)

Alfred Albert

Sculpture, statuette, 1875 approx.






Painting, 1927 approx.



Street performers

Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale (U.K., 1855-1943)

Painting, watercolor over pencil heightened with bobycolor, 1897, 25.5 x 35.5 cm.



The dance in the seraglio gardens (La danse dans les jardins du sérail)

Amédée van Loo (after); Louis Tessier (borders)

Tapestry, wool and silk, 1775, 375 x 498 cm. Made at the Manufacture Royale des Gobelins. Also known under the title "Le costume turc".



A darbuka player (Eine Tarabukaschlägerin)

Print, woodcut  , 1861, 16 x 9.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Before the performance (Avant la représentation)

Francesco Coleman (Italy, 1851-1918)

Watercolor, 1880 approx.



Oriental dancer (Danseuse orientale)

Edouard Frédéric Richter (France, 1844-1913)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890     approx., 100 x 65 cm.




Female dancer (Danseuse)

Kees van Dongen (Netherlands, 1877-1968)

Watercolor, 1910 approx.



The sultan's favourite

Painting, oil on canvas, 1890     approx., 75 x 125.7 cm.



Ferdinand Roybet (France, 1840-1920)

Entertainment in a harem

Painting, oil on canvas, 1895     approx., 53.5 x 64 cm.





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Wednesday the 12th.