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Works of art / Volume 6

Volume 6



Ouled-Naïl dancer (Danseuse Ouled-Naïl)

Etienne Dinet (painting)

Print, color lithograph from a painting, 1900      approx., 19.3 x 15.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dance in the moonlight on the terrace (Une danse au clair de lune sur la terrasse)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Painting, oil, 1916. Private collection. Algeria, Ouled-Naïl.



An Ouled-Naïl dancer (Une danseuse Ouled-Naïl)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Painting, gouache, 1890, Private collection.



Moorish dancer (Maurische Tänzerin)

Alex Bida (painting)

Print, woodcut  , 1880, 31.7 x 24 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Dance of the Ouled-Naïl (La danse des Ouled-Naïl)

Print, woodcut, 1881, 5.2 x 7.6 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



The Arab dance

Frederic Remington (U.S.A., 1861-1909)

Painting, grisaille, 1894.



Algerian dance (Algerischer Tanz)

Print, woodcut, 1893, 15 x 22.6 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Triumph of Dionysos

Drawing, 400 approx.



Tha pagan dancer

Danilo Cervietti (Italy)

Sculpture, white marble and grey polished granite, on a stepped marble plinth, 1890 approx., 125 cm height



Costume design for the ballet "Narcisse": Ephèbe

Leon Bakst (Russia, 1866-1924)

Watercolor, pencil and gold on paper, 1911.     Private collection. "Narcisse", ballet by the Ballets Russes, 1911, Théâtre du Casino, Monte Carlo.Choreography by Mikhail Fokine; music by Nikolai Tcherepnin.



Costume design for the ballet "Narcisse": Bacchante

Leon Bakst (Russia, 1866-1924)

Watercolor and pencil on paper, 1911, 28.5 x 22 cm



A feast given at Géryville

Huguet (drawing)

Print, woodcut, 1856, 18 x 15 cm. The reception of officers at the celebration given at Géryville, a town in Algeria presently called El Bayadh.



Arab dance in the harem (Arabischer Tanz in der Harem)

Print, woodcut, 1859, 13 x 22.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



The sword dance of the Arabs (La danse du sabre chez les arabes)

Waclav Seweryn count Rzewuski (Poland, 1784-1831)

Drawing, sketch, 1818 approx. The count travelled in the Arab countries 1817-1819 in serch of horses for breeding.



An entertainment

Otto Pilny (Switzerland, 1866-1936)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910, 120 x 179 cm.


In the harem

Hans Makart (Austria, 1840-1884)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1875 approx., 44.5 x 141 cm



Iskandar and Rovshanak's wedding party

Manuscript illumination, miniature, color, 1578. Illustration from a manuscript with the poems of the Azerbaijani thinker and poet Nizami Ganjevi.



Female ballet dancer in a solo figure of Oriental dance

Drawing, sketch, 1997. Belarussian National Ballet College, 1977 calender.



Solo female ballet dancer in Oriental dance pose

Drawing, sketch, 1997. Belarussian National Ballet College, 1977 calender.




Charles-Jean Bisschops (Belgium, 1894-1975)

Painting, 1914, 233.5 x 138 cm



Hunting and surveying in Cashmere. A village nautch: Enter the Ibex

J. Nash (drawing)

Print, 1888, 10.4 x 14.1 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.




Alfons Mucha (Chechoslovakia, 1860-1939)

Watercolor and pencil, 1898 approx., 24 x 30 cm



Salome (Salomé)

Alfons Mucha (Chechoslovakia, 1860-1939)

Print, lithograph, color, 1897.



Oriental dance scene

Print, lithograph, color, 1910 approx. Postcard. Alkis Raftis Collection.



Oriental dancers at Sihout (Danse d'almées, à Sihout)


Print, woodcut, 1869.



Egyptian dancers (Danseuses égyptiennes)

Print, woodcut, 1900, 9.5 x 5.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Paris, Exposition Universelle 1900.



Egyptian dancers at Sihut in Upper Egypt (Aegyptische Tänzerinnen zu Sihut in Oberägypten)

Print, 1869, 15.3 x 23.7 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



A marriage in Cairo


Print, woodcut, 1897,   21.6 x 31.6 cm



An Egyptian dancing girl

G. Montbard

Print, woodcut, 1884, 30.5 x 41.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.




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