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Works of art / Volume 10

Volume 10



Dancing maiden

Albert-Émile Artigue (Argentina, 1850-1927)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1885 approx., 55 x 46 cm.



Dancer with yellow veil

René Péan (France, 1875-1955)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1920 approx., 130 x 89 cm.



Exotic dance on a rooftop

Paul B. Pascal (France, 1832-1903)

Watercolor and gouache on paper, 1882, 48.5 x 63.5 cm.



Oriental dancer (Oriental dancer)

Armand Godard (France)

Statuette, bronze, ivory, marble base, 1900 approx., 59 cm total height.



Ballet scene (Scène de ballet)

Mathieu Barathier (France, 1784-1867)

Pastel on paper, 1849 approx., 77 x 96 cm. France, Narbonne, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.



Dancers resting on a city wall

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910 approx., 100 x 200 cm



Daydreaming (Rêverie)

Henri Montassier (France, 1880-1946)

Painting, 1927. Salon de Paris 1927. Published in The Graphic, 117. London, 30/04/1927, p. 184.



Oriental professional dancer (Bayadère)

Gustave Courtois (painting); Baude, Ch. (engraving)

Print, 1883, 43 x 29.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



The spectre of the rose - new version for the Slav ballets (Le spectre de la rose - nouvelle version pour les ballets slaves)

Henriot (drawing)

Print, 1912, 12.8 x 27 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in L'Illustration. Paris, 09/11/1912.



The wonderful adventures of a ricksaw runner (Aventures merveilleuses d'un pousse-pousse)

Dascher (drawing)

Poster, lithograph, color, 1889. Poster for the exhibition of 1889 in Paris.



Oriental dancer (Danseuse orientale)

Claire Jeanne Roberte Colinet (France, 1880-1950)

Statuette, bronze, gilt, 1910 approx.,     43 cm height.



A scene from the 3rd act of Sardanapalus at the Second-Théâtre-Français with Mr. Bouchet as Sardanapalus (Sardanapale, scène du 3e acte: Sardanapale, M. Bouchet

Print, 1844, 11 x 13 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Sardanapale, tragedy in 5 acts, by Mr. Lefevre. Published in L'Illustration, 03. Paris, 1844, p. 169.



Cairo Street 1900. Universal Exhibition of 1900 (Rue du Caire de 1900. Exposition Universelle de 1900)

Robert Salès

Poster, lithograph, color, 1900.



Musicians in a garden of the Orient (Musiciennes dans un jardin d'Orient)

Hans Zatzka (Austria, 1859-1945)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1920 approx., 81 x 50 cm.



Dancer under the stars (Danseuse sous les étoiles)

Etienne Dinet (France, 1861-1929)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1910 approx., 81 x 65 cm.



Negro itinerant musicians among the tribes (Bateleurs nègres dans les tribus)

Eugène Fromentin(France, 1820-1876)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1867 approx., 99 x 141 cm. Private collection.



Negro itinerant musicians, Sahara (Bateleurs nègres, Sahara)

Eugène Fromentin (France, 1820-1876)

Painting, oil on panel, 1867, 65.1 x 44.4 cm.



Arab wedding party, reenacted by the zouaves at the Châlons camp (Fête de mariage arabe, figurée par les zouaves du camp de Châlons)

J. Worms (drawing)

Print, woodcut, 1857, 14.5 x 23 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection.



Belly dance (La danse du ventre)

Kees van Dongen (Netherlands, 1877-1968)

Painting, gasoline on board, 1905, 78 x 58 cm



Salome dances before King Herod (Salomé danse devant le roi Hérode)

Georges Rochegrosse (France, 1859-1938) painting

Print, woodcut  , 1887, 16.3 x 21.4 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in L'Illustration, 2305. Paris, 30/04/1887.



Salome dances before King Herod (Salomé danse devant le roi Hérode)

Georges Rochegrosse (France, 1859-1938) painting

Print, 1888, 28.5 x 46.7 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in ÜberLand und Meer, 10. Stuttgart, 1888, p. 204-205.



Salome (Salomé)

Adolphe La Lyre (France, 1850-1935)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1930 approx., 215 x 127 cm



Dance of the blacks in Tangiers (Danse des noirs à Tanger)

Alfred Dehodencq (France, 1822-1882)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1874, 152 x 202 cm



The savages of the Pacific (Les sauvages du Pacifique)


Painting, paper, 1805, 200 x 160 cm. Detail.



Brahma, ballet by Mr. Monplaisir, on music by Mr. Dell'Argine; presented at the Eden-Théâtre (Brahma, ballet de M. Monplaisir, musique de M. Dell'Argine; représenté à l'Eden-Théâtre)

Adrien Marie (drawing)

Print, wood, 1886, 30.5 x 21 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in Le Monde Illustré, 1525. Paris, 19/06/1886, p. 393.



The "pas chaloupé" figure at the Chaumière ball (Le pas chaloupé au bal de la Chaumière)

Charles Vernier (drawing)

Print, 1868 approx.



Moorish dance or The Goulue as oriental dancer (Moorish dance, or The Goulue as oriental dancer)

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (France, 1864-1901)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1895, 285 x 307.5 cm. Paris, Musée d'Orsay. Signed at lower right. This is a panel painted for the caravan of La Goulue, a French can-can dancer. Among the persons represented are Jane Avril and Oscar Wilde.




P. Merwart (drawing); Gusman, A. (engraving)

Print, woodcut, 1885, 31 x 21 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in the magazine L'Univers Illustré, 1604. Paris, 19/12/1885, p. 805.



The coffee house of the Moors on the boulevard of the Italians (Le café des Mauresques sur le boulevard des Italiens)

Print, woodcut, 1850, 14 x 22.5 cm. Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection. Published in the magazine L'Illustration, 15. Paris, 1850, p. 5.



Amusements at the Halles on 21 January 1782 (Réjouissances aux Halles, le 21 janvier 1782)

Louis-Philibert Debucourt (France, 1755-1832)

Painting, oil on canvas, 1782, 89.5 x 116.5 cm. France, Paris, Musée Carnavalet.



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